Ecrivain, Plasticien, Vidéaste, Cinéaste
Writer, Artist, Film & Video Director
lien / link: http://www.flaxartstudios.com/daniel.html
Irish Lights (2009)
Super-16mm film transferred to digital video,
with soundtrack: two versions (13' each)
/ Phares Irlandais (2009)
Film Super-16 mm transféré en digital,
avec bande son: 2 versions (13 min. chacune)
Structured around a series of five short monologues spoken by a female narrator, 'Irish Lights' is an exploration of sameness and difference, as experienced by the individual subject. The voice tries to explain a theory that she has constructed, but is unable to remember its details. The visual imagery comprises footage of the lighthouses around Dublin Bay, filmed from land and sea at dawn and dusk; these lights, guarding the entrance to the port, seem to speak to one another from shore to shore, whilst simultaneously reminding us of safety and danger. Two actors also perform simple, representative actions that symbolise our efforts to influence our environment.
“/ Structuré autour d’une série de cinq courts monologues, dits par une narratrice, “Irish Lights” est une exploration de la similitude et de la différence en tant qu’expérience du sujet en tant qu’individu. La voix tente d’expliquer une théorie qu’elle a construite mais dont elle ne se souvient pas des détails. L’imagerie visuelle comprend des captations filmées des phares autour de la baie de Dublin, filmés depuis la terre et la mer, à l’aube et au crépuscule; ces phares qui gardent l’accès au port, semble se parler de rive à rive et, simultanément, nous rappellent à la sécurité et au danger. Deux acteurs jouent des actions simples et représentatives qui symbolisent nos efforts pour influencer notre environnement.”
traduction rapide par nos soins.
image ci-dessous - gauche: Aishling Muller, in situ avec Daniel Jewesbury
ces images constituent la suite suite des posts:

Archive Lisburn Road
Daniel Jewesbury and Ursula Burke
3 December to 14 January 2005
Archive: Lisburn Road is a photographic document of a middle-class suburb of Belfast, produced during Spring and Summer of 2004. It renders visible a community that does not define itself as a 'community', a people who have been content to be invisible. Ursula Burke and Daniel Jewesbury employ a pseudo-anthropological gaze to capture the material culture of a small neighbourhood, centred around a half-mile stretch of the Lisburn Road. This area not only features the highest concentration of 'luxury' retail outlets in Belfast (boutiques,delicatessens, winebars, cafès) but public spaces and private homes quite distinct from those usually featured in representations of Belfast. Neatly-trimmed hedges form the 'soft boundaries' between private and public space, sports cars line the streets, locals promenade along the road or socialise in pavement cafès.
This could be any affluent suburb in Britain or Ireland. Burke and Jewesbury have produced an unexpected view of Belfast, one that runs counter to the (still) prevailing representations in photojournalism and art photography - war-torn, industrial (more recently, post-industrial), divided by inexplicable hatreds. This is a Belfast that minded its own business for thirty years.
Artists' Biographies
Ursula Burke graduated with an MA from the University of Ulster in 2000, having previously studied both in Belfast and Galway. In 2003 she mounted a solo exhibition at the Context Gallery, Derry, and will return to the city for another solo show at Void, in March 2005. Recent group exhibitions include Belfast (Celje, Slovenia 2004) and Perspective (Belfast 2002) and the Routes public art project (Belfast 2002); she is also showing in Castellon, Spain, in December 2004. She is a former co-director of Catalyst Arts, and is currently administrator of Queen Street Studios, and an associate lecturer at the University of Ulster.
Daniel Jewesbury completed a Ph.D at the University of Ulster in 2001, having studied Fine Art in Dublin. Recent projects include Exchange (Carlow 2003) and Beauty Queens (Charlottetown, Canada 2004). His work is included in the forthcoming Universal Experience: Art, Life and the Tourist's Eye at the Museum for Contemporary Art, Chicago in 2005. In 2000 Daniel won the Victory Treacy Award at the Butler Gallery, Kilkenny. His book, of lives between lines, was published by Book Works in the same year. Daniel is also a widely-published writer, and is a research associate at the Centre for Media Research, University of Ulster.
The Exchange Place, 23 Donegall Street, Belfast, BT1 2FF
Tel: +44 02890 230965