des films de 42 secondes, des réalisateurs internationaux, un festival:
Circuito Off, Venice International Short Film Festival, Sept.09, aujourd’hui certaines vidéos:
/ “ONEDREAMRUSH is a spark of inspiration that sought to ignite imaginations across the world. The film showcase brought together internationally known filmmakers, artists, futurists and all-around visionaries to produce 42 films on their personal interpretation of what it means to dream. Each film is 42 seconds long, hence the name: 42x42™.”
(en gras les films visibles ci-après / in bold type, the films available further down this post)
Death - Kenneth Anger
S/HE - Asia Argento
For My Dear Dead Dog - Tadanobu Asano
We Live Only Twice - Sergei Bodrov
42 Second Dream - Charles Burnett
Night Of Pan - Brian Butler
Rotoaurorae - Jonathan Caouette - voir ici
NakedEyes - Leos Carax
Ruby Travels - Niki Caro
AliShan - Yung Chang
Astarte - Michele Civetta
Chavo - Larry Clark
Bit Rare Friend - Joe Coleman
The Watcher - Zachary Croitoroo
Dream Piece - Abel Ferrara
DreamForward - Mike Figgis
Untitled - James Franco
Daydreamers:moe moe a - Chris Graham
Liebestraume - Florian Habicht
Rinko K. in 42 Sec. - Rinko Kikuchi
Year of the Rabbit - Terence Koh
Crutchnap - Harmony Korine
Playthings - Charlotte Kemp-Muhl & Sean Lennon
Dream #7 - David Lynch
Tiempo - Griffin Marcus
I Can’t Remember - Chan Marshall
Pop - Ryan Mcginley
Argia - Rajan Mehta
A Daydream - Jonas Mekas
Last day dream - Chris Milk
The 42-second minute - Grant Morrison
42 - Gaspar Noe
An Exercise in Futility - Dee Poon
Horizon - Matt Pyke
Babies are Happy - Carlos Reygadas
Aqua-Rêve - Lola Schnabel
Elapse - Floria Sigismondi
Catharsis - Mote Sinabel
Last Night - Taika Waititi
Jacobian - Arden Wohl
42 - Lou Ye
Untitled - Zhang Yuan
nos liens (merci de nous signaler des erreurs et/ou vos suggestions
/ our links, we're grateful for your suggestions and error detections), source
ONEDREAMRUSH, bande annonce / trailer, full version:
Kenneth Anger, “Death” - OneDreamRush
Asia Argento, “S/HE” - OneDreamRush
Brian Butler, “Night Of Pan” - OneDreamRush
Leos Carax, “Naked Eyes” - OneDreamRush
With Helena Christensen
Image : Caroline Champetier
SFX : Mikros
Editing : Anne Souriau
Sound : Jean-Paul Mugel
Costume : Maud Perl
Abel Ferrara, “Dream Piece” - OneDreamRush
James Franco, “Untitled” - OneDreamRush
Florian Habicht, “Peppermint Breath” - OneDreamRush
Harmony Korine, “Crutchnap” - OneDreamRush
David Lynch, “Dream #7” - OneDreamRush
Rajan Mehta, “Argia ” (?)- OneDreamRush
? by Rajan Mehta from iooi on Vimeo.
Chris Milk, “Last Day Dream, Life in 42 seconds” - OneDreamRush
Writer: Chris Milk
Production Company: Radical Media
Producer: Samantha Storr
Associate Producer: Brad O'Connor
Editor: Livio Sanchez
Production Design: Matthew Holt
Telecine: Dave Hussey
Sound Design: Eddie Kim
Grant Morrison, "The 42-second Minute" - OneDreamRush
Gaspar Noe, “42” - OneDreamRush
"42" by Gaspar Noe (ONEDREAMRUSH project)
envoyé par Le_Temps_Detruit_Tout. - Court métrage, documentaire et bande annonce.
Dee Poon, “An Exercise in Futility” - OneDreamrush
Matt Pyke & Maxim Zhestkov, “A Ridiculously Obscure, Intoxicating Dream of Life” OneDreamRush
Short Film / Onedreamrush / 42 Below Vodka / China from Universal Everything on Vimeo.
Flora Sigismondi, “Elapse” - OneDreamRush
liens / links: